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Specialized Water Session
International Center Meeting with the Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Training Center of Khuzestan Province and the Khuzestan Water an

تاريخ انتشار : 1403/10/16 - ساعت انتشار: ١٢:٠٢ - گروه خبري : ICIMWB Center

The importance and role of watershed management in the catchment areas of dams was the focus of a specialized session held by the International Center for Integrated Watershed Management and Bio-Resources in collaboration with the Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Training Center of Khuzestan Province and the Khuzestan Water and Power Organization.

At the invitation of the head of the Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Training Center of Khuzestan Province, Dr. Hamid Noori served as the keynote speaker for the session, discussing the significance of watershed management in dam catchment areas. This session took place on Tuesday, November 5, in Ahvaz city at the conference hall of the Khuzestan Water and Power Organization. Dr. Noori delivered a 30-minute presentation on modern approaches to watershed management and aquifer rehabilitation aimed at restoring the land. Dr. Mohammad Faramarz, Director General of the Flood Control and Aquifer Management Office, also participated in the management panel of the specialized session


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