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Specialized Meeting
The fifth specialized meeting on Integrated Watershed Management and Biological Resources was held.

تاريخ انتشار : 1403/10/16 - ساعت انتشار: ١٢:٠٠ - گروه خبري : ICIMWB Center

Dr. Hamid Nouri, the head of the International Center for Integrated Management of Watershed and Bio-Resources in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions was the speaker of the fifth specialized meeting on Integrated Watershed Management and Biological Resources, which took place on October 26, 2023, as a hybrid session (online and in-person).

Dr. Nouri emphasized key points in the preparation of the strategic document for integrated management of provinces. At the beginning of his speech, he recalled the rationale behind the establishment of the International Center for Integrated Watershed Management, its functions, and organizational structure. He described the actions taken by the center over the past year, particularly the organization of the first international board meeting on integrated management and reviewed its decisions. Nouri indicated that the signing of a memorandum of cooperation with the International Center for Erosion and Sediment in China (IRTCEZ) was the second significant international action of the center, and he also mentioned the initiation of cooperation with the Chinese Academy of Sciences as the third such action. Furthermore, he deemed participation in the COP29 conference, which will take place in Kazakhstan at the end of November this year, to be very important, stating that this conference is the highest level of decision-making concerning climate change at the international level. He mentioned that a team from the Natural Resources Organization would accompany him as representatives of the Islamic Republic of Iran at this conference.

Dr. Nouri then elaborated on the conceptual model and integrated management model developed by the University of Natural Resources in Gorgan, stating that aside from the adjustments made by this center regarding the decision-support system, the rest had been approved by this center and needed to be included in the strategic document.

Diagnosis of Current Situation

Dr. Nouri described the analysis of the current situation, identifying the most important challenges and expected outcomes in integrated watershed management and outlining the roadmap to be considered in the strategic document.

Nouri explained the separation and breakdown of the program into four phases, which are as follows:

  • Phase Zero: Planning (preparation of the project service description)
  • Phase One: Detailed Understanding (defining and delineating integrated management - understanding the current situation - determining indicators - integrating indicators and prioritizing sub-areas - developing databases and creating evaluation software)
  • Phase Two: Formulation of Policies, Strategies, and Programs (developing social, cultural, and economic strategies - developing organizational, financial, and legal strategies - formulating river basin and urban sub-area programs - designing decision support systems)
  • Phase Three: Integration, Execution, and Review (assessing the compatibility of IWM with upstream documents - consolidating and developing the integrated management model)

23 Executive Steps of the Program

Nouri outlined the 23 executive steps of the program as follows:

  1. Collecting and reviewing domestic and international resources related to community participation in implementing IWM approaches
  2. Selecting and reviewing examples of participatory management and presenting the strengths and weaknesses of each based on their characteristics
  3. Analyzing the position of local stakeholders and relevant government sectors in watershed projects
  4. Examining traditional and modern social structures and their roles in the implementation of watershed management and natural resource projects
  5. Describing the approach and goals of participatory watershed management
  6. Identifying the role of local communities in the factors causing land degradation and unsustainable watershed management from the perspective of beneficiaries, experts, and managers
  7. Examining the expectations of local beneficiaries and stakeholders from integrated watershed management
  8. Investigating the legal, structural, and financial limitations of stakeholder participation
  9. Conducting ecological field assessments in pilot watersheds
  10. Examining the level of beneficiaries’ knowledge about integrated watershed management and their rights in it
  11. Investigating and evaluating the role of local institutions in the realization of Participatory Watershed Management (PWM)
  12. Examining and analyzing the institutional-organizational networks of local beneficiaries related to participatory watershed management
  13. Analyzing the integrated network of the institution-beneficiary in achieving PWM
  14. Evaluating the participation of people and government sectors in participatory watershed management
  15. Analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of local community involvement in realizing PWM
  16. Analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the presence of relevant governmental and non-governmental agencies in achieving PWM
  17. Analyzing the opportunities and threats posed by the presence of relevant governmental and non-governmental entities in achieving PWM
  18. Reviewing proposed solutions in existing records and resources regarding community participation experiences in achieving PWM
  19. Suggestions for strengthening social and local institutions for achieving PWM
  20. Investigating the capacities and barriers of beneficiary and local community participation in achieving PWM
  21. Providing solutions for forming a watershed management council for achieving PWM
  22. Presenting solutions for the active participation of local communities to realize the IWM approach
  23. Developing decision support systems (DSS)

Nouri elaborated on the thirteen operational phases coordinated with the Ministry of Interior and communicated to the governors.

At the end of the session, 19 key issues and challenges in the Atrak and Ghareh Su-Gorgan watersheds were presented to the attendees. Towards the end of the meeting, the screening of programs and projects aligned with the Seventh Development Plan in the fields of water, agriculture, and natural resources was discussed.

In conclusion, the head of the International Center for Integrated Management stated that due to the length of the presentation, a separate meeting would be held to hear the opinions of the general directorates of natural resources, and the PowerPoint presentation from this meeting would be made available to the general directorates of natural resources in the provinces for review and completion. Nouri finally announced the questions and topics for future meetings as follows:

  1. Comprehensive management programs in 33 watersheds - empowerment and facilitation and organizational cohesion
  2. Developing documents for third-level pilot watersheds and continuing integrated management programs
  3. Preparing documents for third-level pilot watersheds in other provinces and coordinating with the Ministry of Interior
  4. Developing documents for second-level pilot watersheds and distributing national and provincial credits
  5. Attention to the coordination of national programs with international conventions and voluntary programs.


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