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National Conference
Holding the Thirteenth National Conference on Rainwater Harvesting Systems in Iran

تاريخ انتشار : 1403/10/16 - ساعت انتشار: ١١:٥٦ - گروه خبري : ICIMWB Center

Gorgan University of Medical Sciences and the Iranian Scientific Association of Rainwater Harvesting Systems, in collaboration with the Natural Resources and Watershed Management Organization, the Ministry of Agriculture Jihad, and other national stakeholders, will host the Thirteenth National Conference on Rainwater Harvesting Systems in Iran.



This conference will be held from November 20 to November 21, 2024, in a hybrid format (virtual and in-person) in Gorgan, Golestan Province. The final deadline for paper submissions is October 25, 2024, and the last date for registration is November 5, 2024. The conference email is rcsg1403@gau.ac.ir, and to enter the conference website, click here.

Conference Topics

  1. Components of Good Governance in Rainwater Harvesting Systems
  2. Rainwater Harvesting Systems, Water Resource Sustainability, Enhancing Resilience of Local Communities, and Sustainable Development
  3. Rainwater Harvesting and Management of Environmental Hazards (Climate Change; Flood, Drought, Desertification, Forest and Rangeland Fires, Dust Storms, Land Subsidence, and Landslides)
  4. Nature-Based Approaches and Rainwater Harvesting in Urban Watershed Management
  5. The Role and Position of Rainwater Harvesting in Promoting Water Culture
  6. Potentials and Limitations of the Adoption and Expansion of Rainwater Harvesting Systems (Economic – Social – Cultural, Legal – Organizational, Technical – Infrastructural)
  7. Indigenous Knowledge and Optimization Strategies for Rainwater Harvesting Systems
  8. Community Participation and Activism in Institutionalizing Rainwater Harvesting Systems and Developing Small and Medium-scale Water Resources
  9. Utilizing the Potential of Virtual Space, Social Networks, and Media to Promote Public Awareness in Rainwater Harvesting
  10. Revitalization of Traditional Rainwater Harvesting Systems in Golestan Province

Special Topic: The Role of Rainwater Harvesting Systems in Supplying Water for the National Plan to Plant One Billion Trees


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