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The Minister of Agricultural Jihad Work Plan
Integrated Watershed Management in the Work Plans of the Minister of Agricultural Jihad

تاريخ انتشار : 1403/10/16 - ساعت انتشار: ١١:٤٥ - گروه خبري : ICIMWB Center

Integrated watershed management has been included in the work plan presented by the Minister of Agricultural Jihad to the Islamic Consultative Assembly (Parliament) during the vote of confidence session.

The work plan of Alireza Noori Qazalcheh was communicated by Akbar Fathi, the Acting Head of the Planning and Economic Deputy of the Ministry, to all units for implementation on September 17 of this year. It has been stipulated that the units must continuously report their activities every three months to the planning and program units, so that data can be entered into the ministry's program and budget system for aggregation.


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